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Writer's pictureCarmen Henry

The pressure of being a Mother.

I've been a Maternity nurse, nanny and night nanny for over 25 years so when l tell you I've seen it all l have definitely seen it all, l have worked for high profile clients, super-intelligent clients, career-driven clients and very mature clients and the one thing they all have in common is as soon as they have a baby they turn so vulnerable, it’s scary.

Woman today are so pressured to do well with there career’s, relationships and motherhood that half of the time they don’t enjoy the precious moments that a mother should enjoy with there baby.

Instead, they are pressured into getting back to work, scared.

Will, they still have the same position when they do return and will l get the same pay, will they be looked down upon for the promotion because now they have a baby?

Mothers are pressured to breastfeed even if they don’t want to do and pressured because they give there baby’s a bottle. Not to mention the whole debate about breastfeeding in public. Mothers are so anxious when all they need to hear is that they're doing a great job and the milk will come in.

Some mothers have been given so much wrong advice that now they won’t even try to breastfeed or even try natural birth. They are told by there doctor’s and midwives that they need a c-section as its better for you, but what they forget to mention is the delay in breastmilk if you want to breastfeed and the recovery for the mother.

Babies cluster feed for 3/5 days/nights and this is perfectly normal but no one tells the new mother’s that and they feel guilty for getting the professional help that would help them with there sanity. 

Postnatal depression is no joke it is never easy to admit when one is struggling and when that struggle is emotional, we often rightfully fear criticism and judgement from others.

Now I'd usually end my blogs with a list of recommendations and educational reading for you but instead, I'd like to open up my email inbox and direct messages for conversation for any tips/hints need from any new parents or parents just needing a bit of reassurance. And before I go, take this from me, you're doing JUST FINE.

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